Section 22: Freedom of Thought, Self-Determination, and the Attention Economy
Skills Focus: Sources Integrating Secondary Source Information and IdeasReading HW
- Eli Pariser, introduction to The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You (2011)
- Adrienne LaFrance, “The Power of Personalization” Neiman Reports 18 October 2017
- Zeynep Tufekci, “We're Building A Dystopia Just To Make People Click On Ads TED Talk (September 2017)
Writing HW Introducing Secondary Source Ideas and Information
- Choose a sentence or short passage from one of today’s readings—ideally one you might want to write about in your exploratory essay
- Copy the passage, enclose it in quotation marks, follow it with a parenthetical citation (giving the author’s name and, if available, the page number) and post it to the student writing section of the course website.
- Then click on “reply” and in the response box write a short ¶ presenting the information or idea conveyed in the passage you copied
- Note in your paragraph the name of the writer you’re citing, and say something about the writer’s credentials or background
- If you include phrasing from the original, put those words in quotation marks.
- If you like, you can summarize the passage without incorporating any quotations.
- Alternatively, you could write a sentence introducing the idea or information, follow it with a colon, quote some or all of the passage, and then follow up by explaining the key point in your own words.
- A third possibility is to paraphrase the passage mostly in your own words, incorporating a quoted phrase or two from the source